Saturday, December 29, 2007

In side out

So we made it through the holiday. Tomorrow is Char's birthday. She will be 30. So we made it with a month to spare...she always said she wanted to be pregnant before she was 30 and we made it with a month to spare.

So she is 9wks. It seems like longer to me for some reason. I think that is because so much has happened in the past month with traveling all over for the holiday and work has been very busy which is really odd.

So far Char has been completely mind numbingly tired and has the occasional nausea and full blown morning sickness once or twice. We have picked 4 names two boys and two girls. Emma and Carly and Elijah and Abraham. We have a nightly ritual of me reading to our dot and the lotioning up the tummy.

Well that is a short up date but Char just walked in with pizza gotta go.