Wednesday, July 01, 2009



Well this morning I measured and it has been a week and a couple days since I measured. Great news bust is down two inches and around the belly button is down 2 inches. My arms and legs were down too but I am hesitent to count those because I wasn't sure I was measuring in the same spot so I am going to get better with those. But I was sure about the bust and belly. I know some people don't want to lose in the bust but that is so ok with me.

Yesterday was the first day of my 4th week of c25k. It kicked my butt. BUT I FINISHED IT!!! I always tell myself if I make it through just once I can do it again and again no matter what. So things are going well.

I was very glad about the measurements because I am starting week 4 and have not seen crazy high weight loss numbers 7 lbs since june 5th so I am glad I am making progress with measurements.