Tuesday, October 02, 2007

3 down about 76 to go

Well faithful readers I have lost three pounds since the start of our fitness challenge on Sept 24th. Not bad for a small start. Not earth-shattering biggest loser kind of loss but a start none the less.

So I have been with out "soda" for a week and two days ...but hey who's counting. I am doing great with this. It isn't as hard as I might have thought. I have even ate out and ordered water. I was always leery of ordering water because there is alot of foul tasting water out there. I thought I could usually depend on my Dr. Pepper to taste right. Now I will just suck it up and order water or the occasional tea. We drink sweet tea at the house and I got Char to buy decaf last week. I can not taste the difference and I think it helps with the head ache. She says she can taste the difference. Wonder if they make half caf???

Well I am slowly making it through a business law class I have to take to sit for the CPA exam in Louisiana. In Mississippi, where I graduated from college, we didn't have to have this class and you do here. I am killing two birds with one stone though because I had 147 hrs and you have to have 150 to sit so this class will do it. I just need to get motivated. So far I have only done 2 out of 15 lessons. Not good. I have until march to finish but I really want to get a move on. I would love to be through by Dec.

Must get to work

1 comment:

Holly said...

Hey 3 lbs is a start, right? I have lost 20 so far and am overwhelmed by the prospect of having to lose another 30, but oh well.
I don't know if I could give up soda. That's why I switched to diet. I know it's just as unhealthy, but it's no points on WW and I get to have my Diet Dr. Pepper every day.