Monday, September 08, 2008

Sept 7th one month old

Yesterday Emma turned 1 month old. I can not in my wildest dreams believe she is already a whole month old. On one hand it feels like she was just born yesterday and on the other it feels like she has been with us forever.

She is growing more and more everyday. She is so strong. She lifts her head and kind of pushes off your chest sometimes. She is smiling more and more. I know some of these are probably gas but they are becoming more animated. Big open mouthed smiles that leave you thinking any moment a beautiful laugh will escape. She also has started making more noise when she is awake. She will coo and "talk" some sound that isn't a coo but a sound.

She has taken to sleeping closer to 5 and 6 hrs a night between the time we put her down and the first time she wakes to nurse. Then she will go about 4 more. Char likes the sleep but has been pretty sore by the time she wakes up for the first feeding.

Emma had her first bottle last night. On a scale of 1 being horrible and 10 being champion we give her a 4. She was a little fussy before we even gave it to her so I don't think that really helped but she at about 1.5 ounces by the time it was over. We have these breast flow bottles from first year and I think they just piss her off. They are made to mimic breast flow but Char's milk is like a dripping faucet when she nurses so I think the bottles are actually harder to get milk from than Char is. So we are going to try again when she isn't already fussy and work our way into it because we have to be ready when Char goes back to work.

This morning I got up for work and Char and Emma were still asleep. When I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and start the shower I thought I heard Emma start to wake and fuss so I went back in the bedroom and looked and she was just occasionally making the kind of higher pitched sigh like she was so relaxed and resting so well. It was the cutest thing ever. I wanted to skip work and just sit by her bassinet and watch her sleep.

Well speaking of work I have to get to it now.


Wendy and Karen said...

Just catching up on your blog!

Congratulations on 1 month. Hurray!

And I love the boating pictures. I gasped a little but I found them utterly adorable.

And congratulations on your CPA test. Hurray again!

Thank you for following our blog and for your comments. They mean so much to me. You had recently asked about Photoshop
I use Photoshop CS3. I started with CS2 and then upgraded.

Photoshop CS3 is such an awesome tool and I would highly recommend it to anyone. But it isn't a very intuitive program to learn. I would try out for the course "Up and Running with Photoshop". You'll learn the basics of Photoshop and make a few scrapbook pages!"

Let me know if you have any other questions. I'm here to spread the photo love.

Shannon said...

Found your blog through another one. Congrats on the birth of your baby girl and on one month already!

The bottles may take a bit of time. It took me two full weeks of trying once every single day to get our son to take a bottle. It was very, very stressful but we did it eventually. The fact that she took it is great and it might not be hard at all!

Looking forward to reading more... I have a private blog but if you'd like to read it send me an email at and I'll add you to the invite. (I'm the "other mother" in our house too.)